Navdesk User Start Guide

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NavDesk is our intuitive user interface for controlling your E4 processor. Your NavDesk system can be linked to your Sailmon Logs account, so all your data will be logged and stored on the cloud.

Commissioning NavDesk

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NavDesk can be used on a variety of devices, to control and setup your Sailmon System. Below details how to obtain and get NavDesk up and running

1. Download the latest Sailmon Software distribution from our website

2. Install the Software package on your PC / Laptop. This will install:
a. NavDesk
b. Polar Tool
c. Screenview

3. Open NavDesk
a. Ensure your PC / Laptop is on the same network as your Sailmon System

4. NavDesk will then automatically connect to your Sailmon System

5. Refer to the FAQ section for troubleshooting commissioning

6. You will then be asked to SIGN IN or REGISTER to NavDesk, once this is complete NavDesk will be available (if you are not online this can be done anonymously)

App/Play Store:
1. Open the App/Play store on your iOS/Android device
2. Search for NavDesk on the App/Play Store
3. Download the NavDesk App
4. Ensure your Device is on the same network as your Sailmon System
5. Upon opening the NavDesk app, it will automatically connect to you Sailmon System
6. Refer to the FAQ section for troubleshooting commissioning
7. As with the desk to version you will then be asked to SIGN IN or REGISTER, once this is complete NavDesk will be available

Navigating Navdesk

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On the top right of your NavDesk mission control dashboard you will find a tribar options button. This tribar reveals the following menu choices:
• Pre-sets
• Displays
• Calibration
• Setup
• Racing
• Toggle day/night

If you long click or hold your finger on the data boxes on the bottom right of the NavDesk Mission Control Dashboard you can quickly change the data points you want to be displayed

The display menu, allows you to setup each of your Sailmon displays to customise your data layout and preferences. This is done once they have been commissioned see full manual for details

We all know how important calibration is for accurate sailing data. The Navdesk Calibration menu gives you full control to calibrate your sensors. Included in the calibration menu are guides to calibrate your sensors

Set up menu contains menu options to customise your sailmon system. For the functioning of your system the Networking and commissioning sub-menus are critical:

The networking menu gives you full control of the E4 serial communication ports

– Serial ports configuration
Sets the modes in which the serial ports of your E4 should operate

– Outputs
Controls the values to be transmitted by the E4 across all data communication protocols

– Simulation
Puts the E4 in simulation mode Commissioning

The commissioning menu is used for initial system setup and debugging, you will have these menu options:

Display Definition
This menu is for setting up your Elements here you can give your elements a position (can be the same if you want to duplicate), each individual screen will have its own IP and SUN number (Sailmon Universal Number). You can then name your Display to your desire to make differentiating them easier. You can group them in this menu as well for backlighting purposes. From this page you can also add a virtual display that can be used by WIFI-enabled devices through the screen view app. The “buttons” button allows you to configure the button inputs to control your Elements with your button box.

Sensor Definition
This page is for system diagnostic, in the left box you will see all the sensors connected to the E4, once one is highlighted the right box is populated with all the variables available from that sensor. Highlighting a variable will display the raw values and sample rate at the bottom of the screen

If you have Sailmon Button boxes connected, this is where their function can be defined.

Sailmon Logs
This is where you link your Sailmon Navdesk account to your Sailmon logs account, to log, replay and share your sailing trips. Logging can be enabled and disabled from this page.

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