HOW TO: Mount MAX Mini to your boat?

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To get accurate compass data, you’ll need to mount MAX mini to a fixed place on your boat with a special mount (order it via our webshop). It’s not
required to mount MAX mini. However, the compass won’t work if you wear the unit, for example, in your pocket.

1. Mount the MAX mini bracket to your boat (screws not included). It is important that you mount the bracket in a way that allows the MAX mini
to lay flat. The Sailmon logo needs to point exactly north so the device can provide accurate data.

2. OPTIONAL: Make sure you lanyard the MAX so you won’t lose it in the water! We advise attaching a 2mm line using the lanyard hole on the back.

3. Twist MAX mini into the mount

4. Done sailing? Twist MAX mini out of the bracket.

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